Why has neither awstats nor webalizer recorded any new data for the last three days?

Asked by:
timothybibleclass / 18 Points
2012-09-08 2:32 am EST
Website Troubleshooting
Wordpress site. Have recorded zero activity for the last three days via Awstats and Webalizer?? No for a fact that there has been activity.

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17,314 Points
2012-09-08 3:06 am EST
Hello Timothybibleclass,

Typically, Awstats/webalizer will run every 24-36 hours. However, if there is an issue, then no stats may be accumulating. It is suggested you send an email support@webhostinghub.com (live technical support) when there is an issue with this application.

After reviewing your account, you have already taken the correct action and contacted live support (phone, chat or email). They can immediately reset it for you. Note that sometimes that execution of the stats programs are delayed if there is a high amount of activity on the server. I did check and it appears that they did have the stats programs run on your server.

If you have any further questions, please contact technical support or leave a comment at the bottom of the page.


Arnel C.

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