Why is WordPress using my old domain name?

Asked by:
LLFiggs / 70 Points
2012-08-26 10:51 am EST
Website Troubleshooting
<p>I've had quite a few domains registered with Go Daddy and have decided to let them go as they expire. I've already set up the domains on WHH and edited the Name Servers. Here's my problem: Domain A (registered at Go Daddy but hosted here) expired recently. I moved the files from Domain A to Domain B--its intended replacement (also registered at GD and hosted here)--using the WHH File Manager. Both databases were already set up, tho I'd never used the Domain B database. I uploaded the database backup for Domain A into the Domain B database on WHH because I want the contents from Domain A to run on Domain B. I edited the WP-config file to reflect the database name and password, but because I'm a novice do-it-yourselfer, I don't know what other changes to make. The website shows up, but without the proper formatting, and all the links lead to the Domain A url--which is parked at GD pending deletion, since I don't intend to renew it. What changes must I make to the files and/or the database of Domain B to make the website open at the correct url? I assume I can correct the formatting mess once I can get to WordPress admin. I'm a non-techie; so please give me simple, clear, step-by-step instructions, not assuming I understand the technical terms. Thank you!</p>

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1,846 Points
2012-08-27 11:56 pm EST
Hi LLFiggs,

I believe you were able to resolve this issue on your own within this question, is that correct?

Just in case anyone else finds this question within our website, I wanted to mention that we have a WordPress website transfer guide here.

LLFiggs, let us know if there is anything further we can assist you with. I'm happy to see you switching over to Web Hosting Hub, and we'd like to take good care of you, so post a question any time.

- Brad

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