404 Not Found

Asked by:
Mike503 / 5 Points
2012-10-23 1:48 am EST
I was setting up my concrete5 site and after uploading some files through ftp I'm getting a 404 error on every page but the home page.


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17,314 Points
2012-10-23 2:29 am EST
Hello Mike503,

This looks like the installation may have used an incorrect path during the installation process. The PUBLIC_HTML folder is the document or web root, and this is the folder where all of the files should be placed for websites hosted on Web Hosting Hub. Based on the errors, the issue involves an incorrect path during the install. Since you're at the start, it would be much easier to simply wipe out the files that you have added so far and start over. Follow this guide for installation, and you should be able to install it on our server with no problem (if you're installing manually):

Manually installing Concrete5

If you want to remove the files, you can simply delete all of the files in PUBLIC_HTML using your FTP client, or by using the Cpanel File manager.

If you have any further questions, please contact technical support or leave a comment at the bottom of the page.


Arnel C.

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