Hello Pimom, Whenever you get a 404 error when trying to access a page, it means the page requested does not exist. If you are certain that you uploaded the file or page, this could mean there are a couple of things you want to check: 1) Ensure you uploaded the file to the same URL path you are accessing. If your domain name is example.com, you upload the file to the root directory, but the path is 'example.com/uploads', then you will get this error. 2) An even more common mistake is the spelling of the file. There are many times when either the file or the link code has a misspelling in it, resulting in the 404 error. 3) Finally, case sensitivity is very important. If you have a file named Index.html, you cannot find it by trying to access index.html. The server views them as completely different names, even though the only difference is a capital letter. Make sure you are using the exact case when trying to view a file or folder. (domain names, however, always revert to lower case, so they do not matter, ONLY subdirectories (folders) and files) Best Regards, Scott M |
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