Are developers inflating time it will to update some web pages?

Asked by:
HubFans / n/a Points
2019-11-29 2:56 pm EST
I asked my developers to create a new web page and update 7 web existing ones on my site The new page is just text with links with no other functionality. The updates are pretty much just text changes and changes to the meta data, titles etc. They've quoted 23 hours. I have CMS for 2 of my pages and could probably do this in a morning, except create the new page and meta data changes. I'm not a techie person. Are they trying to take me for a ride and any idea what a reasonable amount of time might look like? Thank you. Ian

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107 Points
2019-11-29 11:40 pm EST
Hi Ian,

Thank you for your inquiry and I'm sorry you suspect your developers of inflating the website maintenance time. However, without knowing the full existent of your requests and how the website was built, it's hard to fully inspect the time they've quoted. Though, with you mentioning that only two pages are on a CMS, the rest of the pages could've been created differently and could be more time consuming to update. In addition, your requests may require them to add sections or restructure pages, which will also take time. I suggest that you voice your concerns to them and ask why they've quoted you 23 hours.

Kindest regards,

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