Calling web API methods from PHP

Asked by:
sBwMikael / 8 Points
2013-04-02 9:22 pm EST

I'm at beginner level with all of these things, so bear with me.

I don't have a hosting account with WebHostingHub at present (just a registered domain name), but this will come later. For the time being I'm testing my future-website in a virtual machine.

I'm going to need to be able to make API calls to web services from at least one of my PHP scripts.

It seems my options for this are cURL and PHPs file_get_contents. Are either or both of these available for shared hosting accounts on WebHostingHub?

Thank you in advance!

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Best answer chosen by User


16,266 Points
2013-04-02 9:32 pm EST
Hello sBwMikael,

Yes, our servers are able to do both cURL and file_get_contents.

Best Regards,
Scott M

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