Can I have two different websites under the Spark package?

Asked by:
jeffklick / 11 Points
2015-05-06 8:59 pm EST
I have a one website with you all, and just purchased another domain name for a totally different project. Can I use the same hosting package or do I need to purchase another one? Of course money is an concern :) Thanks

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17,314 Points
2015-05-06 9:23 pm EST
Hello jeffklick,

As per the Web Hosting Hub hosting features, you can have more than one domain on the hosting account. This does not affect the cost of your account. You will need to add any other domains as an add-on domain.

I hope this helps to answer your question, please let us know if you require any further assistance.

Arnel C.

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Thanks, I added it via the add-on-domain procedure, then I pointed the DSN from where I purchased the domain name, but how do I work on creating the website on that domain? I want to use WordPress, etc. When I enter the domain name, it comes up blank? Thanks.
11 Points

2015-05-06 11:18 pm EST
Never mind...I ended up calling and the wonderful folks at customer service took care of it...nicely done!
11 Points

2015-05-06 11:40 pm EST
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