Can memcache be installed

Asked by:
booker / 8 Points
2012-01-23 6:43 am EST
how can i have this installed on my server?

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Best answer chosen by Web Hosting Hub staff


13,688 Points
2012-01-23 6:28 pm EST
Hello booker,

Thank you for your question regarding memcache. I'm sorry, but due to the server requirements of that extension, we would not be able to install this. I would recommend using a caching plugin or extension for the particular software you are using to build your site. If you need any assistance finding caching that works with your software, please feel free to either update your question or add a comment below to give us more details about the software you are using to build your site.

Please let us know if you have any additional questions or need further assistance.


Christi N.

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2012-01-25 11:55 pm EST
connects to a separate memcache server.

2. The sign up for a Windows VPS, I use and

3. then found the source for memcached server ported to windows at

4. Copy to your Windows VPS and open a command prompt to install and start as a service,
memcached -d install
memcached -d start

5. Then create a simple memcached test file on your webhostinghub server,

filename: mctest.php

$mc = new Memcache();
echo 'addServer: '.$mc->addServer("your VPS IP address");
echo 'Version: '.$mc->getVersion();
echo 'Stats: '; print_r($mc->getStats());
echo 'Extended Stats: '; print_r($mc->getExtendedStat s());
echo 'add: '.$mc->add(md5($url),"Hello there");
echo 'get: '.$mc->get(md5($url));
echo 'delete: '.$mc->delete(md5($url ));
echo 'get: '.$mc->get(md5($url));
echo 'close: '.$mc->close();

You should see memcache version and status.

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