Can't open MySQL database area in cPanel

Asked by:
agincourtma / 5 Points
2012-02-15 9:27 pm EST

my MySQL Database page is not opening from cpanel.The site is using joomla and i somtimes get the error message infinite loop detected in jerror The page never responds as a result my website does not load.

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Best answer chosen by Web Hosting Hub staff


13,688 Points
2012-02-15 10:09 pm EST
Hello agincourtma,

I'm sorry you're having trouble accessing databases in your cPanel and experiencing an infinite loop error on your site. Let's start with issue of not being able to access your MySQL databases in cPanel. I'm sorry but I was unable to recreate this issue. I clicked on the icon for MySQL databases in the cPanel home page and was taken into the MySQL Databases area.

Can you please give us a few more details about the issue you are experiencing? Please include the steps you are taking when trying to access your databases, the browser you are using when logging into cPanel, the version of that browser. Also, are you seeing any error messages when you try to access your databases? If so, please include any error messages. Please feel free to either update your question or add a comment below with this information.

The infinite loop detected error is an issue in your Joomla configuration file. This is an especially common error when moving Joomla from one server to another (either a development server or other live server). This error is usually caused by an error in one of the following settings:

public $dbtype = 'mysqli';
public $host = 'localhost';
public $user = '[full database user name]';
public $password = '[database password]';
public $db = '[full database name]';
public $dbprefix = '[database table prefix]';
public $log_path = '/logs';
public $tmp_path = '/tmp';

For more information from the Joomla documentation on the infinite loop error, please see:

While reviewing this for you, it appears that this was a manual installation of Joomla. If you need more details on manually installing software, please see our article on manual installation of php software.

I've visited your site and clicked on the various links and I'm happy to report that your site is working correctly with no errors at this time.

Please let us know if you have any additional questions or need further assistance.


Christi N.

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