Concrete5 Hosting eror on install

Asked by:
HubFans / n/a Points
2015-10-09 2:31 pm EST
I'm getting the following error

An unexpected error occurred.
'\"en_US\"' is not a valid locale identifier

I had started hosting a C5 website with another host. and after initial problems of installing the C5 cms they said it's not compatible with their servers (fasthosts)

So I've redirected the domain to Hub with the aim of starting afresh

I've installed C5 on Hub but get the error - An unexpected error occurred.
'\"en_US\"' is not a valid locale identifier

any ideas

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16,266 Points
2015-10-09 6:19 pm EST

Sorry to hear you are having issues with installing Concrete5 on your account. I was able to install into a test folder and did not have an issue. I also saw that you have an instance installed on your account and that a website is displaying from the account.

Were you able to correct the issue or are there additional steps needed to duplicate the error?

Kindest Regards,
Scott M

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