Has anyone out there used the MODx Revolution CMS on Web Hosting Hub?

Asked by:
rcmason / 8 Points
2012-08-14 6:26 pm EST
Hi, WHH Community! I'm a new client as of yesterday (and after a lengthy exchange with the support crew over the weekend) and I'm having trouble getting MODx Revolution installed on one of my domains. Specifically, I get a 500 Internal Server Error when I head to the domain after uploading the MODx files.

Has anyone gotten MODx Revolution up and running, and, if so, could you provide some guidance?

Best regards,


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16,266 Points
2012-08-14 6:52 pm EST
Hello rcmason,

I did check the serer requirements for MODx and our server should hold it fine. I did notice that you have a file named ht.access. For that to work it needed to be renamed .htaccess.

I am not getting the 500 error anymore but an error saying it had an issue loading the config file. I could not find anyone familiar with that CMS. You may want to check the CMS forums on how to fix this new error as it seems now to be attempting to work on the server.

Best Regards,
Scott M

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