How do I add another website?

Asked by:
santouki / 5 Points
2012-02-15 6:18 am EST
Hi there,
I was trying to find info about creating a second or third website (taking advantage of your awesome unlimited websites offer).
Are there any tutorials or FAQ on the subject you could point me to?

Thank you in advance.



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Best answer chosen by Web Hosting Hub staff


13,688 Points
2012-02-15 6:12 pm EST
Hi Remi,

Great question on creating additional websites. We've got several articles that will give you more information on that. I would suggest starting with our How can I add another domain name to my account article. This will walk you through the steps of:

  1. Registering a domain

  2. Pointing the domain to us if you register it elsewhere

  3. Adding the domain to your cPanel account

Have you decided how you will be creating your second site (hand coding, using design software, using a Content Management System)? If not, can I suggest WordPress? It's not just for blogging anymore. Please feel free to check out our WordPress Education Channel for more information on WordPress.

Please let us know if you have any additional questions or need further assistance.


Christi N.

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