How do I increase the maximum file upload size in Coppermine?

Asked by:
marmalade81 / 5 Points
2012-02-28 9:57 am EST
Is it possible to increase the maximum upload file size? According to coppermine's website, it can be done through : Configuration → Picture and thumbnail settings → Max size for uploaded files? Can you help please? Thank you!

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Best answer chosen by Web Hosting Hub staff


13,688 Points
2012-02-28 5:56 pm EST
Hello marmalade81,

Great question about Coppermine. Before we get into the steps for adjusting the maximum upload size in Coppermine, are you receiving any errors when trying to upload files? If so, please feel free to either update your question or add a comment below with the exact error message you are receiving.

While you can increase the maximum file upload size in Coppermine through the Gallery Configuration area, the maximum upload size set in Coppermine should not exceed the maximum upload size set for PHP. To change this setting in Coppermine:

  1. Log into your Coppermine admin area

  2. In the upper right, click on the Config link

  3. Click on File Settings to expand the options for that

  4. Look for Max size for uploaded files under File Settings and adjust as needed. Please note, that setting is measured in KBs so 1024KB = 1MB

To check the maximum file size allowed for PHP in your account, please follow our instructions outlined in our Viewing PHP Settings Using a phpinfo Page article. You will want to look for the setting: upload_max_filesize.

If you need to adjust the maximum file upload size, you can do that by using a php.ini file to increase that upload_max_filesize. In our article on updating local PHP settings we show you step-by-step how to make changes to the PHP settings for your account.

One final note on file upload size. As suggested by the Coppermine documentation, unless you need high resolution images, try resizing your images before uploading them through Coppermine. This can save upload time, as well as image/page load time for your site's visitors.

Please let us know if you have any additional questions or need further assistance.


Christi N.

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