I could not find my " add contact form " button after upgrade WP

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HubFans / n/a Points
2013-12-16 11:41 pm EST
I upgraded my WP to 3.8 then I could not find " add contact form" button under edit page of dashboard .i used that function built up my contact page with signed in/ join in Sheet.could help me ?


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17,314 Points
2013-12-17 12:09 am EST

Sorry for the problem with your "add contact form" button. The problem most likely has to do with the plugin that is giving you that functionality. I checked an older WordPress installation and I could not find that button by default. Your best avenue of getting that resolved is to look at the support provided by the author of that plugin. If you want more info on troubleshooting Wordpress plugins (if it is affecting your overall Wordpress installation), then please review Troubleshoot WordPress. You can also go to the WordPress home page and then look up your plugin if it is free. If it was not free then you will need to contact the plugin author directly.

Apologies again that we could not directly assist you with the problem. If you want us to investigate the issue further, then please provide more information on the issue (e.g. URL for website, error messages, steps to duplicate the problem, version numbers).

Arnel C.

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