I have an iframe from fenwaywest on my index files, how do you check your website files for malware?

Asked by:
RogerPe / 8 Points
2013-01-12 1:11 am EST

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3,713 Points
2013-01-12 1:52 am EST
Hello RogerPe, and thanks for your question.

We can run ClamAV on your account to scan for any malicious files. I went ahead and did this on your account and it didn't come back with anything.

However I did also do a manual search across your files for mentions of "fenwaywest" and I did find some maliciously injected JavaScript files that I've emailed you about separately from this reply.

It seems these files have been on the site for about 3 months, and it doesn't appear this was a recent hack attempt. Quite possibly you have the same malicious script injections in your source files that you uploaded to our server.

Please let us know if you have any further questions at all.

- Jacob

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