Is there a counter that I can include on my website to count visitors?

Asked by:
pm / 26 Points
2012-02-05 11:15 pm EST

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Best answer chosen by Web Hosting Hub staff


13,688 Points
2012-02-06 6:53 pm EST
Hello pm,

Thank you for your question about adding a counter to your website. If you are using the Premium Website Builder to create your site, you can find the option to add a counter to your pages in Step 3 - Pages. If you are creating your site with a different tool, how to add a counter will depend on how you are building your site. Some tools may have addons or plugins to add this functionality to a site. There are also scripts online that you can add a counter to your site. To find these, you can do a search for "site counter" or "web counter" using your preferred search engine.

Please keep in mind that a site counter is not an accurate way to count the actual number of visitors as it records each request made by the visitor's browser (images, text, etc.). A more accurate way to determine the traffic on your site is to either review Awstats in your cPanel or to use Google Analytics on your site.

Please let us know if you have any questions or need further assistance.


Christi N.

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