My email notifications don't work

Asked by:
abramlette / 24 Points
2013-10-04 2:24 am EST
I have a website with an oxwall install. My email notifications to members do not work. Can you help me with this issue, please? I have tried the oxwall forums and the fixes I have found haven't worked for me. Perhaps I am doing something wrong. Is there a way for you all to help me sort this out?

Thank you,

Ann Bramlette
site owner

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17,314 Points
2013-10-04 2:57 am EST
Hello Ann,

Thanks for the question, and apologies that you are unable to get your Oxwall email notifications to work. Are you getting any type of error messages? Additionally, to help us troubleshoot issues, it helps us if you can provide version information and steps to duplicate an error if possible. However, in this case, hopefully, I have found enough information on the issue, that you can use the possible solution that I have found.

In researching your account, I saw a cron job running that would never work because it's using a command that is prohibited on the server (wget). I found this cron job notated in your email logs. I checked the email logs since you said that email notifications were not working. When I looked up the issue in regards to Oxwall, I'm seeing the following link:

Oxwall Software Cron Configuration Guide

Use the command line with "CURL" in place of WGET. That should hopefully fix the problem. If you want more information on setting up a CRON job, go to How to setup a cron job. This should help fix the issue.

If you continue to have problems with it, then please provide us a little more information on the issue (version and steps to duplicate your problem), and we would be happy to investigate it further.

Arnel C.

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Thank you. I tried this, but nothing yet. I am using version 1.5.3 of oxwall. I am not receiving any errors. It just never sends any emails to anyone. What else can I do about this?
24 Points

2013-10-04 3:21 am EST
I changed the cron job to a curl command, but now I'm getting a 406 error.
24 Points

2013-10-04 6:06 pm EST
Hello abramlette,

As Arnel had mentioned we have a guide for how to setup a cron job and towards the bottom it talks about when using curl you need specify a User-Agent string with the -A flag like so to avoid ModSecurity from intercepting the request:

0,30 * * * * curl -A "cPanel CronJob"

You can put anything between the quotes to name your User-Agent, and this is what will show up in your access-logs as the User-Agent that sent the request. That way you can differentiate an automated request, from an outside request.

I've gone ahead and done this for you, but feel free to change the name of the User-Agent if you'd like, and let us know if you need anything else!

- Jacob
3,713 Points
2013-10-04 7:50 pm EST
Thanks, Jacob! Let's hope this will allow my users to get notifications now.
24 Points

2013-10-04 8:08 pm EST
No problem abramlette, I went ahead and ran the cron job manually to ensure it would process, and it does appear to have done so.

Please let us know if you had any other questions.

- Jacob
3,713 Points
2013-10-04 8:22 pm EST
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How to Run a Cron Job
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