Transfer-Encoding Chunked

Asked by:
dionisio.deniz / 24 Points
2013-06-02 4:58 pm EST
I am trying to sent a large file through an https connection setting the transfer-encoding property to chunked but it does not work. Does the server (http server / php ) in this site supports that?

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17,314 Points
2013-06-03 12:09 am EST
Hello Dionisio.deniz,

I'm sorry to hear that you're having problems with the file transfer. Unfortunately, there is no direct support for secure file transfer using HTTP or FTP on Web Hosting Hub in that matter. You may want to consider using WinSCP (Windows Secure Copy). Click on the link here to see the settings used for setup using the shared SSL on the server. We do not recommend using the Web Hosting service as a file transfer server (especially if the file is large like you're saying) since it is technically against the Terms of Service.

Your best option would be to go to a dedicated file share service like DropBox, GoogleDrive - both which start off free. They would be more secure and better for bandwidth since they're large services that are dedicated to the purpose of file transfer.


Arnel C.

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