Website down

Asked by:
damian55 / 5 Points
2012-12-29 8:38 pm EST
Our website at is down. I don't think this is an account problem. It seems to have been hacked as I can no longer enter the cpanel with the usual account and the Drupal install is not picking up the database. Please could you help us to reset our password?

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3,713 Points
2012-12-29 11:59 pm EST
Hello damian55, and thank you for your question.

If you need to reset your cPanel password, you can do so from our AMP (Account Management Panel) interface by following the steps in our how to reset your cPanel password article.

It looks like your cPanel password was updated at some point to no longer match what you had set in your Drupal settings.php file. Because in this file you just were just using the cPanel username to authenticate to the database, it wasn't able to connect any longer.

I've gone ahead and created a new separate database user for you, and assigned that user to the Drupal database, and updated your settings.php file to reflect this new user.

Now if you update your cPanel password, it won't affect your database credentials at all. For future reference you can review our guide on how to create and assign a user to a database to do this on your own.

Or in most cases it's easiest to just us the MySQL Database Wizard mentioned in our create a MySQL database article, which handles creating a database, as well as setting up a user and assigning it to the database.

Hope this information was helpful, if you had any other problems or questions at all please let us know!

- Jacob

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