Why does my site not work in Safari?

Asked by:
Ryan / 5 Points
2011-10-04 11:03 pm EST
I was testing our site and for some reason it will not work every time with Safari. I will have to alternate between just jcfpd.org or www.jcfpd.org in hopes that one of the times it may work. Can you please check into why all of a sudden I cannot see my site on this particular browser? Thank you.

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Best answer chosen by Web Hosting Hub staff


13,688 Points
2011-10-04 11:45 pm EST
Hi Ryan,

I'm sorry you're having trouble viewing your site with Safari. There are sometimes browser compatibility issues depending on how your site was created. What do you see in Safari when the site is not working? Do you receive any error messages?

Also, please make sure Javascript is enabled in your Safari preferences. One last thing to check to is if you have the Debug menu enabled and also have "Log Javascript Exceptions" enabled the log file may be full which can stop Javascript from working.

If these suggestions do not resolve the issue, please feel free to let us know what (if any) error messages you are receiving so we can assist further.

Thank you,

Christi N.

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