yaleflowscheduling.com problems

Asked by:
RonKemp1 / 5 Points
2012-12-04 11:25 pm EST

We are having problems with one of our machines that is being blocked by Webhostinghub's MySQL server because of too many previous connection errors which probably occurred during an ITS/firewall (data filtering) issue we had recently. We tried calling Webhostinghub technical support to get it sorted out, and though they tried on the phone for nearly an hour, they couldn't fix it. The support rep (James) then asked to e-mail 'support@webhostinghub.com' so that the matter can be escalated on your end. The IP address of the machine is and the error message we are getting is attached. Please let me know whatelse you might need.

Geoff Lyon-

Geoffrey Lyon
Biotechnology Associate III
FACS Facility
Yale University School of Medicine
60 College Street
New Haven, CT 06519

(203) 737-5959
(203) 737-6471

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16,266 Points
2012-12-05 12:16 am EST
Hello Geoff,

This does appear to be an issue for our upper level Tiers of support. To begin, they would just need to know the IP address of the machine, domain name, and verification of the account (either last 4 digits of the current credit card on file or the current AMP (account Management Panel) password.)

Please be sure it email that information to support@webhostinghub.com and not to reply here as the data here is public.

Best Regards,
Scott M

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