Wordpress sites offline this morning.

Asked by:
jflanaganuk / 5 Points
2013-08-22 11:01 am EST
All of my sites that use wordpress have had the error:

"Unable to establish database connection"

The sites were all working yesterday and I haven't touched any part of them since.
When trying to go to phpmyadmin I get an error:

"#2002 Cannot log in to the MySQL server"

And when trying to see my mySQL tables I get:

"The MySQL® server is currently offline."

Any help?

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I've just seen the announcement, thanks for keeping us informed!
5 Points
2013-08-22 11:54 am EST



12,339 Points
2013-08-22 7:51 pm EST
Hello jflanaganuk,

Thank you for contacting us. We will be updating our status page with current information regarding the server that houses your account. You can view it here:

Here is some background information regarding your server:
ehub35 has been failed over to backups from about 48 hours ago due to a filesystem issue.

Thank you for your patience and understanding while we work to correct this. If you have any further questions, feel free to post them below.
Thank you,


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