406 Not Acceptable - Mod Security

Asked by:
klooty / 8 Points
2014-09-11 12:12 pm EST
Hi there,
I have actually submitted a ticket for this subject an hour ago...
So, I am getting a 406 Not Acceptable after installing a certain theme, then once I log out, I am unable to log back in. I have gone through your forums, and disabled Mod Security in Cpanel. I am having no luck resolving this issue.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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16,266 Points
2014-09-11 1:30 pm EST

While mod_security can be disabled for hosting accounts, there are certain rules that are not able to be disabled. You will want to disable your current theme so that your site will default to a standard theme. This should allow you to move into the dashboard and change things.

To disable the theme, use the File Manager in cPanel to navigate to the wp-includes folder. From there, enter the Themes folder and locate the folder with the name of your current theme. Rename the folder to something random. This should cause WordPress to not recognize the theme and switch to one of the default themes in the folder. From there you should be able to log in to make changes.

Kindest Regards,
Scott M

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Hi Scott,
I did that successfully, but after re-activating the theme I got the same issue again upon logging out and logging back in.
Could you kindly let me know exactly what can and can't be done?
I really would like to use the theme which has the issues... I was chatting to the developer of the theme all day today trying to resolve the issue, and it seems to be on the server's end...
Is there a way to send you a direct message with my login details and ftp to have a look at?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
8 Points

2014-09-11 3:34 pm EST
Hello Damien,

If you have the mod_security disabled in your account and the theme is still throwing a 406 error, there will not be a way to get it to work on the server. If it is a rule that is important enough to not disable on an account level, it will not be changed in the server to allow that theme. The theme itself will need to be changed to accommodate the rule.

The specific rule your theme is throwing is:
"POST to wp-login.php without redirect_to"

This means that the theme is making a direct call to wp-login.php, which is also behavior of a brute force attack, thus it is not allowed on the server. If the code can be changed to not do that, then it may work correctly.

Kindest Regards,
Scott M
16,266 Points
2014-09-11 5:43 pm EST
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