After restoring my hacked website, formatting got messed up

Asked by:
HubFans / n/a Points
2014-09-28 11:49 am EST
My wordpress website was hacked, after which i restored it (anewed the themes and plugins and updated wordpress) and the support established the database connections for me. However, the restored website's formatting was messed up. My webpages have lost the connection with the widget areas, as these widget areas are placed in random positions on my website, e.g. sidebars are placed under eachother, some font formats are no longer recognized, etc. see for example Interestingly, there is one widget area that is treated correctly and that is the one that is on my homepage: and which has its own underlying .php file.

I was told that by live chat support that one of my plugins (Black Studio TinyMCE Widget) might be in conflict with wordpress 4.0 so i was adviced to downgrade wordpress to the original version it was before the hack. However, this hasn't solved the issue. I myself am afraid that perhaps when i anewed all the theme files, i forgot to restore some of the files of which i had changed the content before the hack, but i do not know how to find out if that is true and, if so, which files i should restore...

Live chat support has now adviced me to ask this question here. I would so appreciate any help. I am so sad that all the time i put in the formatting of the website has ended up here. Thank you so much for any leads! This means a lot to me!

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16,266 Points
2014-09-28 3:28 pm EST

It is possible that although you have replaced the WordPress files, a plugin was also corrupted. Try turning off all plugins and see if the site looks normal. If so, then enable each plugin one by one, checking the site in between. If you find that it goes funky after a specific plugin is enabled, you will want to remove it and try re-downloading it. Let us know if that helps you.

Kindest Regards,
Scott M

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