BoldGrid staging vs Active site

Asked by:
HubFans / n/a Points
2016-10-05 12:46 am EST
I have setup both an Active site site, using the Avocation theme, and a Staged site, using Resolve theme. When editing pages in the Staged site, the only page templates available are coming from the Active (Avocation) site. How do I make the correct templates available?

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1,348 Points
2016-10-05 1:05 am EST

Thank you for contacting us about active and staging sites. Do you mean GridBlocks? Each of the themes should only have a default template and a Home template. Or, do you mean something different?

Christopher M.

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No, not GridBlocks... BoldGrid
3 Points

2016-10-05 1:08 am EST
BoldGrid is the actual application or WordPress plugin. GridBlocks are the templates you would insert into the pages when building them. All of the templates should be available as they are not designed based on the theme (they are actually independent of the theme). We're happy to look into it more however, we'd actually have to log into the dashboard to see what you are seeing. Since this is a public forum, we cannot ask for credentials to do so. I'd suggest reaching out to the support department and they fully support BoldGrid. They should be able to assist you further.
361 Points

2016-10-05 2:21 pm EST
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