Can I migrate my existing blog to a specific directory of my hosted site?

Asked by:
tsdanforth / 5 Points
2013-01-16 7:22 pm EST
I would like to import several blogs onto specific pages on my new blog. Possible to do this? The import/export function doesn't seem to allow me to specify where the imported blog lands...

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3,713 Points
2013-01-16 8:37 pm EST
Hello tsdanforth,

This would be possible to do. Let's say you have a domain that you'd like to import onto our server in a sub-directory. In this example we'll say your cPanel username is userna5.

  1. First create an addon domain in cPanel for

  2. You'd want to place the WordPress files for that you exported into the following directory:


    You can upload these via FTP

  3. Create a MySQL database and username for your WordPress site.

  4. Import your WordPress database via phpMyAdmin

  5. Update your wp-config.php file so that the DB_USER and DB_PASSWORD settings match what you created on our server when creating the MySQL database.

  6. Now when you access in your web browser, its document root will automatically pull from the directory that you set the addon domain to pull from.

    If you haven't pointed your domain name over to our name servers yet. Then you'd want to update your hosts file to force your computer to resolve the domain to our server.

I hope this information was helpful for you, if you run into any problems or have any further questions at all please let us know.

- Jacob

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