Cannot Access New Addon Domain

Asked by:
JulieV / 8 Points
2013-07-09 1:13 am EST
I installed Wordpress on
which is an add-on domain
for Using Softaculous following the directions in the article "How to Install WordPress on an Addon Domain" (#10 in the "Getting Started With WordPress" articles.) It's been 2 days and it's nowhere to be found. What did I miss?

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12,339 Points
2013-07-09 5:15 pm EST
Hello JulieV,

Thank you for your question. I checked your domain: and it is added on to your cpanel successfully, but when I perform a Whois lookup on the domain, it is not registered.

You can Addon as many domains to cPanel as you need, but they must be registered to work. You can register the domain with us via AMP, or register elsewhere and point the domain to our nameservers. Then allow 24 hours for propagation.

If you have any further questions, feel free to post them below.
Thank you,


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Thank you. I did not set up the account and I am working with only partial information. It is also a subdomain for, can I use that? Also, how can I get the superfluous installation of wordpress off the server in the non-existent addon without affecting the existing website? I just want to make sure I at least leave things as I found them.
8 Points

2013-07-09 6:56 pm EST
Hello JulieV,

The domain name: is available at this time if you want to register it, then you can use the Wordpress you installed for that domain.

If you don't want the domain anymore, you can remove the Addon domain from cpanel:

  1. Login to cPanel.

  2. Click the Addon Domains button, under Domains.

  3. You will see the Addon domains listed, click the Remove link under Actions.

  4. On the Addon Domain Removal page, it will ask "Are you sure you wish to permanently remove the addon domain “”?
    Remove the associcated FTP account “example”.

    Click the Remove button, then you will see a message stating the domain has been removed.

Then you can uninstall Wordpress from Softaculous.

If you have any further questions, feel free to post them below.
Thank you,

12,339 Points
2013-07-09 7:43 pm EST
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