Can't access themes admin or install plugin in Wordpress

Asked by:
HubFans / n/a Points
2013-11-27 6:23 am EST
When I try to access the themes admin or install a plugin I get redirected to the homepage of my website. This just started out of no where. I've already tried deactivated all my plugins and reseting my permalinks. Any help would be great!

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17,314 Points
2013-11-27 8:51 am EST

Sorry to hear about the problem you're having with the themes. If you have deactivated all of your plugins, then the problem may be due to your theme. If you're still having problems going to the themes admin, then use the following steps to manually change your theme:

  1. Login to your cPanel

  2. Use the file manager and look for the folder labeled "wp-content". In this folder you will see a subfolder labeled "themes". Look for make sure that one of the defaul themes are there. The defaul themes will start with "twenty" and will either b "twenty-twelve or twenty-thirteen", or something along that line. If you need to, manually add the theme. You an download the original theme from the site.

  3. You will need to know your WordPress database name. Find phpMyadmin and open your database. Click here to learn about using phpmyadmin.

  4. Look for and open the wp-options table on the left hand side of the phpMyadmin interface

  5. In the table look for the entries for template, stylesheet, and current theme. Change it to the name of one of the defaults. For example: twentythirteen. It should match what you have loaded on. For more information on loading themes manually, check out this tutorial from Wordpress: Adding themes manually.

  6. Save your changes and exit the database.

Re-load your Wordpress site and see if you can get in at this point. If you are still having problems at this point, then you may need to re-load Wordpress base files to make sure there isn't a problem with your WordPress installation. I hope this information helps! Please let us know if you require further assistance.

Arnel C.

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    Hey Arnel,

    Thanks for the suggestions. I tried what you said with no luck. The same thing is happening with the twentythirteen theme. I had a feeling this wouldn't work since I had previously setup another sub-domain and installed wordpress on it. After the install, the same thing was happening on the new domain. However, it should be noted that this problem is not happening on my main domain.

    I had also reached out the developers of my theme. After some trouble shooting, he believed it was something on the server side which is incorrect. Maybe a corrupted .htaccess file or it has some incorrect rules in it.

    I don't know anything about the htaccess file (other that where it is) and wouldn't know how to go about a fixing a problem with it. Do you have any other suggestions?

    3 Points

    2013-12-01 7:12 am EST
    Hello JayNOVA,

    This can also happen with the recent upgrade to WordPress. This happens due to a .htaccess file somewhere in the account that looks for php 5.2

    To check for this, you will want to go to the Home Directory in the cPanel file manager. Be sure that you check the option for viewing hidden files (dotfiles) as the .htaccess is one of these type of files.

    Once in the Home Directory, locate the file named .htaccess. Open the editor for the file by right clicking on the name of the file and selecting Edit from the menu.

    Once in the editor, you want to find a line of code that looks like the following:
    AddHandler application/x-httpd-php52 .php

    Simply add a # to the front of that line of code to comment it out and then save the file.

    This should allow your WordPress to function normally now and the Theme section should no longer redirect improperly.

    If you cannot locate the file in the home directory, check the public_html directory and even the other main folders for down to the specific folder for the instance that is having the issue.

    Kindest Regards,
    Scott M
    16,266 Points
    2013-12-02 6:03 pm EST
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