Can't access wordpress admin

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HubFans / n/a Points
2016-12-31 2:34 am EST
I've been using wordpress fine for about 2.5 years, up until Wednesday.
Since then, three of the admins have been unable to access the WP dashboard menu or option. Instead, we get diverted back to the homepage and the WP dashboard menu, which is usual present for logged in admins, simply says "Dashboard" without any of the options. If I try to force to go the admin page, then it comes back with the error of "sorry, user does not have permission", perhaps meaning the role has been deleted?

I've done a DB check and repair, and it came back with the DB was fine. I've removed the plugins and tried doing that, but no change. I've tried forcing a theme change, but that caused the screen of white death. I've also tried doing a reinstall of WP but nothing changed there.

Really at desperation point here as well as we have 1000+ posts that we can't afford to lose.

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16,266 Points
2016-12-31 5:25 am EST

Sorry to hear you are having issues getting into your WordPress back end. Have you tried testing different php versions? You can switch versions within your cPanel. Sometimes this can cause an issue. Since you have already gone through the standard steps of testing plugins, themes, and resetting core files, I would give that a try.

Kindest Regards,
Scott M

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Thanks for your answer. I've switched from php to 7.0 and also to 5.5 but nothing has changed. I still have the same problems coming up.
3 Points

2016-12-31 5:38 am EST
It is possible that the core files may be damaged and need to be replaced. WordPress has an article snippet about re-installing core files that may be helpful to you.
1,348 Points
2017-01-03 8:28 pm EST
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