Can't edit WordPress posts

Asked by:
HubFans / n/a Points
2014-11-30 2:38 am EST
I recently upgraded my site to WordPress 4.0.1 and with the new installation, I cannot use the "Quick Edit" link on the All Posts page in the admin area. I also cannot use any of the editing features in the "Publish" box on the Edit Post page.

I've tried deactivating all of the plugins and that didn't help and I've also tried reinstalling WordPress - also didn't help. I even downloaded a plugin to search for errors in the database and none were found.

Any ideas on how I can begin editing the date/time/publishing status of my posts again? Thanks.


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17,314 Points
2014-12-01 6:50 pm EST

Apologies again for the problems with the editing in WordPress. I was able to login to your WordPress site with a test admin and check it out. I disabled the plugins and tested, but it still didn't help. I was also able to see that the Quick Edit was not working, but EDIT still does work and save for me. I verified that none of the PUBLISH items work. The next step will be to replace all of the core files of WordPress. I'm going to make a backup of your site before I do this. Please give us a little more time and we will get back to you to see what happens.

Arnel C.

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17,314 Points
2014-12-01 8:22 pm EST

We tried to replace all of your WordPress files with the core files from the latest version after I made a backup. I also tried turning off your plugins and it still has not resolved the issue. This leaves only the database as the possible problem - or possibly (though not likely) the theme. I have submitted a support ticket in your name to see if we can recover a database from November 27. The ticket should be completed within the next 48 hours - you will be emailed a response. I disabled the WordPress plugins by simply re-naming the plugins folder in WP-CONTENT. If you want to re-enable them, simply go to the File Manager, go into folders and rename the file to "plugins" by removing the added "-OLD".

Apologies again for the frustration. This is definitely and odd issue. Hopefully, the database restore will resolve the issue.

Arnel C.

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