Can't preview site under construction

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HubFans / n/a Points
2015-12-02 9:39 am EST
I'm trying to build a WordPress site but I can't preview my site. I don't like the under construction page and I didn't intentionally pick it. How can I change the page and get the ability to see my work as I go along. All help is appreciated.

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17,314 Points
2015-12-02 5:56 pm EST

Sorry for the problem with seeing only the under construction site and note your WordPress site. Typically, the default under construction screen will not go away until an index.php/index.htm/index.html file is put in the PUBLIC_HTML folder. You were missing the default WordPress index.php file. I went ahead and fixed that for you, so you should see your site now. You may want to check out the maintenance mode options WordPress. This allows you to place your own "under construction" or "website coming soon" message that people will see. There are many plugins available for this. Check out the link for an example of how it works.

If you have any further questions or comments, please let us know.

Arnel C.

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Thank you. I had seen an index file but it was in a subfolder.
3 Points

2015-12-03 12:30 am EST
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