cant see my wordpress website online

Asked by:
HubFans / n/a Points
2018-02-10 6:00 pm EST
I can't pull up my home page at all, i type the site name in and it wont show up online

What happens when trying to navigate to my home page (I can actually get to my dashboard, all other pages and posts, etc.)
Any ideas? Thanks.

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1,348 Points
2018-02-12 6:15 pm EST

Thanks for submitting a question about your WordPress site not loading. When you say that it doesn't show up, what do you mean exactly? Is it a white page? Does the page keep loading endlessly without displaying graphics?

Any extra information you can provide about the issue will help us understand what might have happened. For example, the error could be the result of a plugin or possibly a theme issue.

Christopher M.

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2018-02-19 9:22 am EST
Delete any redriects created with the redirection plugin

Change your Permalinks to something other than their current settings & save the new settings

Change Permalinks back and save again

Create your redirects using the plugin

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