Entire website is down; seems to be wp related!

Asked by:
vanessacorrea / 11 Points
2013-12-11 11:27 pm EST
Here is the error || Fatal error: Call to undefined function get_post_format() in /home/vaness21/public_html/wp-includes/post-template.php on line 337 When I login to my WP panel the screen is white!

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I was speaking with Nick W on the support chat, and he said that someone here was doing initial digging into the problem...might be an issue of an old version of WP, too?
11 Points
2013-12-11 11:29 pm EST
Hi Scott. I hate to say this...but I went in and upgraded WordPress, and then upgraded the theme framework and it crashed the whole damn site again. I think if you can stick it back to how it was, then I can replace the whole theme, or reach out to themify. Here is the error, now! Fatal error: Cannot redeclare themify_footer_text_left() (previously declared in /home/vaness21/public_html/wp-content/themes/thememin/themify/themify-modules.php:1656) in /home/vaness21/public_html/wp-content/themes/thememin/theme-modules.php on line 17
11 Points
2013-12-12 04:01 am EST
i want to scream!!
11 Points
2013-12-12 04:02 am EST
Okay. I've FTP'ed a whole new set of files from the WP theme developer. The styling all went down the toilet, but at least it works. : )
11 Points
2013-12-12 04:54 am EST



17,314 Points
2013-12-12 12:12 am EST
Hello Vanessa,

Sorry for the issues. As per Nick, one of my Community Support team members is working on the issue now. You will see an update on this issue shortly.

For anyone else having problems with Wordpress, checkout our article on Troubleshooting WordPress.

Thanks for your patience!
Arnel C.

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16,266 Points
2013-12-12 2:40 am EST
Hello Vanessa,

I was working with Nick W on the issue for you and believe it is fixed. The database itself had a bit of extraneous data in it and needed to be repaired. Also, there were at least one corrupt file in the WordPress core files. I reset it with a fresh copy of the version you were using.

I do suggest that you upgrade to the newest version as soon as possible. I did not upgrade the current files. I did upgrade a copy and the theme prompted you to upgrade the theme framework. It appears that you have a paid theme and I am not aware of how that particular theme handles upgrades or membership and did not want to cause any incompatibility.

The site appears to work correctly now, so please let us know if you have any further issues.

Kindest Regards,
Scott M

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Thank you so, so very much. I'll look into the upgrade asap. Thank you thank you thank you!
11 Points

2013-12-12 2:43 am EST
Hi Scott. I hate to say this...but I went in and upgraded WordPress, and then upgraded the theme framework and it crashed the whole damn site again. I think if you can stick it back to how it was, then I can replace the whole theme, or reach out to themify. Here is the error, now! Fatal error: Cannot redeclare themify_footer_text_left() (previously declared in /home/vaness21/public_html/wp-content/themes/thememin/themify/themify-modules.php:1656) in /home/vaness21/public_html/wp-content/themes/thememin/theme-modules.php on line 17
11 Points

2013-12-12 4:01 am EST
Right now, I see the site up and running. Were you able to get it sorted out?
2,342 Points
2013-12-12 5:29 pm EST
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