Error 406 when connecting to Jetpack

Asked by:
Ronald / 11 Points
2014-04-14 5:27 am EST
I get a 406 error when I am connecting my account to my jetpack. mod_secure has been deactivated, but still unable to connect. Anyone face the same issue?

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2,342 Points
2014-04-14 5:01 pm EST
I've taken a look at your account and it appears that a plugin may be causing the connectivity issues to Jetpack. Upon installing WordPress into another directory on your account and testing Jetpack from there, everything appeared to connect correctly. I recommend disabling plugins one by one to narrow down the issue.

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hi Jeff, thanks for your reply. But sadly, I had already tried that as I clone the whole site to another folder, deleted all plugins running on only jetpack and i still face the same issue.
11 Points

2014-04-14 5:09 pm EST
Unfortunately, I have been unable to determine the exact location within your code that is causing the issue, but it does certainly appear to be something within the code in this folder that is stopping the connection to as a fresh WordPress install with Jetpack was able to reach them flawlessly. I recommend creating a fresh WordPress install and moving things over one by one to eliminate possibilities.
2,342 Points
2014-04-14 5:23 pm EST
Hi Jeff, thanks for your reply. Seem like that is the only way. Sigh.
11 Points

2014-04-14 5:31 pm EST
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