Force separate wordpress page to load before homepage loads

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HubFans / n/a Points
2016-09-19 9:05 pm EST
Hi there. So I have two sites, site A, and site B. I would like an option page on site A which I have created to allow people to choose to either go to the site A homepage, or the site B homepage. If I set that site A option page to the homepage, then every time the user visits the homepage, they will see that options page. So I need to force that options page to only load once before the website loads.

I was thinking of manually setting an index.php, or index.html page to load, which could have the options, but I don't really know how to do this.

Thank you.

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16,266 Points
2016-09-19 9:27 pm EST

Thank you for your question on setting an options page as your main redirect. It sounds as if you say you want the page to display only when they arrive, is that correct?

You can set the initial page to be different than the traditional index.html or index.php page by using the .htaccess file using the Directory Index option. This way the links to your home page will remain and not show the options page, but the options page will appear whenever someone visits the domain URL (

Kindest Regards,
Scott M

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So I updated the htaccess to point to choices.html, which is using an HTML file with a meta tag to forward to the options page. But now it always forwards to the options page.

goto to see.
20 Points

2016-09-19 10:50 pm EST
Click the second button that says, "If not, click here".
20 Points

2016-09-19 10:52 pm EST
I did this because I don't know how to use the .htaccess file to point to a wordpress page. I tried adding the URL, but it gave me an index of the entire site when I did that.
20 Points

2016-09-19 10:53 pm EST
You may need to create page for your front page that exists outside the WordPress. You also may be able to find a plugin that does what you want, but so far my search has not come up with any.
16,266 Points
2016-09-19 11:07 pm EST
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