Getting a fatal error. Now I'm blocked.

Asked by:
joycel6 / 5 Points
2013-07-04 1:17 am EST
I tried to add a plug in and got an error message. Now, I can't even log into the admin section of my website to do any editing. Actually I can't do anything except view my website. So I can't even uninstall anything. I even tried to update wordpress and it didn't help. This is the message I keep getting:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function xprofile_insert_field_group() in /home/joycel6/public_html/wp-content/plugins/bp-profile-widgets/bp-profile-widgets.php on line 425

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17,314 Points
2013-07-04 1:36 am EST
Hello Joycel6,

Sorry to hear about your problem with WordPress. I went ahead and renamed the folder for the plugin that's listed in the error message you provided - "bp-profile-widgets". I renamed it to OLDbp-profile-widgets. This deactivates the plugin so that you can normally login to the WordPress Administrator. I double-checked this and it was operational. You will need to investigate why that login is crashing your installation, or you may need to not load it at this time until they can fix it. You may need to contact the plugin developer for further assistance.

I also highly recommend that you backup your WordPress site, then update ALL of the plugins and themes. They typically update their plugins after a WordPress update. I noticed a bunch of them requiring updates when I logged into your WordPress admin.

Sorry again for the troubles - please let us know if you require any further assistance.

Arnel C.

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