Help settin up an "Addon" Wordpress site

Asked by:
tkburk / 5 Points
2013-03-02 12:59 am EST
I need some information that I cannot find. I am pretty new to all of this, so please forgive my inquiry.

I have an account there and currently have a Wordpress Website up and running.

I want to now add a different Wordpress Website with a differt Domain name to my account. I already had the domain name and set that up through the “Addon Domains” section of my cPanel. I hope so far I’m making the correct choices…

So, here are my questions:

1. Do I need to set the new site up with new “My SQL Database”? If so, how do I do this?
2. Do I need a separate Wordpress account for this new Domain, or do I somehow use the one I’m currently using for my existing site?

Any other information that you believe might be helpful toward me setting up this new site would be appreciated.

Thank you,

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3,713 Points
2013-03-02 1:07 am EST
Hello Tom, and thanks for the great question.

You should simply be able to follow our guide on how to install WordPress on an addon domain.

Basically you just want to select your addon domain from the Choose Domain drop-down, in the Softaculous installer and that's it. It will handle creating the new MySQL database for you and setting everything up.

You can have multiple WordPress installs on each domain, you would just install them to separate sub-directories off your domains. You don't need any further WordPress accounts, you just would want to run through the Softaculous WordPress installer each time you're setting up a new instance of WordPress.

Please let us know if you had any further questions.

- Jacob

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