Hi, I want to install Wordpress

Asked by:
Guy / 8 Points
2013-02-21 1:40 pm EST
I copied all files to www/glossymag.
I need to create the "wp-config.php" file.
therefore I need:
DB_USER (is it my cpanel login name ?)
DB_PASSWORD (is it my cpanel login password ? )
can you please help me ?

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16,266 Points
2013-02-21 6:10 pm EST
Hello Guy,

If you are looking to install the latest version of Wordrpess (which is highly recommended for security reasons), you may want to use the Softaculous installer tool. It automatically places this information into the wp-config file and installs the program within one minute.

In answer to your list above, the DB_NAME, DB_USER, and DB_PASSWORD is dependent on what the information you entered when you created the database. DB_HOST will be 'localhost' and the DB_COLLATE will be 'utf8-general-ci'.

Best Regards,
Scott M

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