How Disable Some WordPress Theme Elements?

Asked by:
t16skyhopper / 24 Points
2011-08-22 10:53 pm EST

How do you most easily disable WordPress theme elements you don't want in the external style sheet? Or by doing that by making a Child Theme?

For the Child Theme I read on ThemeShaper ( it's good to make a new extra "style.css" file in the "themes" folder and then copy and paste this into it, the Fission theme as an example:

Theme Name: Fission
Description: A Child Theme of Fusion
Template: fusion

Despite filling in the "Template" name like suggested above and making that new external style sheet, like another person on the blog commented, I got the following result:

Broken Themes?The following themes are installed but incomplete. Themes must have a stylesheet and a template.?Name Description?Fission Template is missing.

Or how do you disable any selector like "#rss"? Do you add something like the "no" in "noframes" to any kind of selector?

Thank you.

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1,846 Points
2011-08-23 12:03 am EST
Hi t16skyhopper,

To confirm, are you trying to override styles of a parent theme, or, are you trying to disable extra features added by the theme?

Modifying a WordPress theme's CSS
If you're trying to modify a theme's CSS values, I find it much easier to simply edit the css file for that theme directly. To do this:
1. Log into your WordPress Dashboard
2. Under Appearance, click Editor
3. In the right menu, choose the specific theme you're working with and then click the stylesheet you want to edit.
4. Edit the css in the textbox, and then click "Update File"

Disabling certain features in WordPress
This one varies based on exactly what you're trying to do. If you're trying to disable RSS, you can:
1. Log into your WordPress Dashboard
2. Under Settings, click Reading
3. Set "Syndication feeds show the most recent" to -1 and then click Save Changes.

With a search of Google, it looks like there are also plugins that can be used to disable rss more elegantly.

If you can respond with more details on what you are trying to accomplish, I'll be more than happy to look into this further for you.

- Brad

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