How do I deactivate or remove a default header navbar?

Asked by:
caspianblacksea / 25 Points
2012-11-26 5:39 pm EST
I'm using the Eximius Theme. It displays a default header navbar listing all the pages that I create.

How can I remove or deactivate it? (I want only to show the left-column navbar).

I've tried tweeking with the custom settings and the CSS stylesheet.


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16,266 Points
2012-11-26 6:55 pm EST
Hello Ben,

I added the theme to a test account and checked for theme specific settings. I only found a setting that allowed you to select either pages or categories for the header manu bar, but not an option to disable that altogether.

I did find the code to remove all navigation from the header from within the code. Please ensure you make a backup copy of the file before performing any code alterations.

From the wp-admin dashboard, you will want to go to the Themes category and look for the Editor option. Click that and then select the Header option from the right hand side menu. This allows you to edit the header.php file (This is a code file and not a simple css file, so again, be sure to make a copy of all code in the file before making any changes).

Look throught he code until you find a line that has the following code:

<ul id="NaviBar">

You can either comment out or delete that line and every line under it (the last line is </ul>)as that is all code for the navigation bar.

Be sure to hit the Update File button to save the change and then check the site. It should no longer display any navigation on the header.

Best Regards,
Scott M

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