How do I remove cropped header pictures

Asked by:
Bremm / 5 Points
2012-09-15 1:42 am EST
I uploaded several pictures for use as headers on my web page. When I tried to delete one by selecting it and hitting the delete key, it sent me to the "crop" page again, with no other option than crop and install, I did so. The image is now totally black. How do I get rid of the header images I no longer want?

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17,314 Points
2012-09-15 3:43 am EST
Hello Bremm,

I was looking at the home pages of the website associated with your account and I was not able to see what you're seeing. I'm going to assume that you referring to a Wordpress issue here. You should be able to select the image when editing a post, and then you will have an option delete the image. Additionally, you can go to HTML tab and also view the code and remove the image through code. If this isn't the case, please give us some more details so that we can help further.

If you have any further questions, please contact technical support or leave a comment at the bottom of the page.


Arnel C.

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