how to embed audio and video files in wordpress

Asked by:
cycleopath / 10 Points
2012-01-28 5:15 am EST

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Best answer chosen by Web Hosting Hub staff


13,688 Points
2012-01-30 6:47 pm EST
Hello cycleopath,

Thank you for your question about embedding audio and video files in WordPress. There are a couple of different ways to do this.

Embedding media links from other sites (recommended) can be done via the oEmbed protocol in WordPress.

There's also plugins such as Smart YouTube PRO, WPaudio MP3 Player, and Audio Player (to name a few) that can give you even more control of your media embeds.

If you want to upload the files to your account you can also use the built-in Upload/Insert Media button when creating or editing a WordPress Page or Post. You can use the same interface to upload images, video or audio.

Please let us know if you have any additional questions or need further assistance.


Christi N.

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