I am getting RSS feed errors

Asked by:
notacurry / 14 Points
2015-01-08 12:43 am EST
it today it says "FeedBurner could not deliver this feed to you because of the specific problem listed below:" I have no clue why that might happen. My blog is notacurry.com. Any help would be highly appreciated.


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Sorry. The first few words were missing in the original question, so I am posting it again: I have a wordpress blog. When I click on its RSS feed it says "FeedBurner could not deliver this feed to you because of the specific problem listed below:" I have no clue why that might happen. My blog is notacurry.com. Any help would be highly appreciated.

14 Points
2015-01-08 12:57 am EST



17,314 Points
2015-01-08 1:24 am EST
Hello Dhrubaa,

Sorry to hear that you are having problems with the Feedburner RSS plugin. Unfortunately, you still have not provided a specific error message that could help explain the problem that you're having. Feedburner is a third party plugin that is heavily used in the WordPress community. You may find that the WordPress community forum concerning Feedburner issues to be of some help. If are running other plugins on your website, you may also want to review our article on troubleshooting WordPress plugins. You should disable all of the other plugins and then re-enable them one-by-one to see if it's affecting your Feedburner plugin.

I hope this helps to identify and resolve the problem you're facing with the plugin. If you're still having problems, then please provide us more information concerning the error you're seeing and the exact steps you're taking to see the error.

If you have any further questions or comments, please let us know.

Arnel C.

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