I have already started my blog on Word Press but I can't remember the user name and password and can't get to my dashboard to make changes.

Asked by:
Dave Cai / 5 Points
2012-09-07 1:46 am EST
Can I get a new user name and password without starting the blog over since it is already up and running?

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17,314 Points
2012-09-07 3:01 am EST
Hello Dave Cai,

We can reset your WordPress password if necessary, but your best bet is to use the LOST PASSWORD option in the login screen in order to recover it.

By default Wordpress Admin login will always look something like this:

domain name.com/wp-admin (if you're unaware of the link)

Your Support Center login does not link to a hosting account- we can't reset it without at least this information. If you want immediate help with this, please contact our live technical support center. They can reset it for you and it would be a private conversation instead of something published on our Support Center website. If you wish for the Support Center to pursue the matter, please leave a comment with more information in regards to your account.

Live Technical Support
Mon-Sun: 24/7
Telephone: 877-595-4482 x2
Intl: 757-416-6627 x2
Email: support@webhostinghub.com

If you have any further questions, please contact technical support or leave a comment at the bottom of the page.


Arnel C.

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