I want to Uninstall BoldGrid

Asked by:
HubFans / n/a Points
2016-07-05 5:35 am EST
I recently installed BoldGrib but had trouble with certain parts. I now wish to uninstall the BoldGrid. My website is not yet propagated so www.website.com/wp-admin does not work. What do I do?

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17,314 Points
2016-07-05 3:37 pm EST

Thanks for the question about removing BoldGrid. I'm not sure how you setup your WordPress site. If you used your domain name during the installation, then you should create a hosts file modification so that when you type in a specific URL, it goes to our hosting server and not the server currently assigned to the domain name. If you used the temporary user name for the installation, then you need to use the temp URL in order to login to WordPress. The proper way to install using the temporary URL can be found here.

Once you have logged into the WordPress Administrator, then you can follow these steps to remove BoldGrid:

  1. Login to your BoldGrid admin dashboard.

  2. Then click on the Settings option from the side menu on the left.

  3. Now, click on the "BoldGrid" option.

  4. From the BoldGrid Settings page, scroll until you find the "Start Over" section. Then select every checkbox in that area.

  5. Next, click on the "Save" button.

  6. Now, click on the "Plugins" option on the left side menu.

  7. Click on the checkbox next to all the plugins that have BoldGrid as the first word.

  8. Click on the Bulk Actions dropdown and select Deactivate.

  9. Next, click Apply.

  10. After they are disabled, select checkboxes for each plugin again.

  11. Click on the Bulk Actions dropdown menu and select Delete.

  12. After that is done, click Apply to complete the action.

  13. Lastly, a confirmation page will appear with the list of plugins. Confirm you want to delete them by clicking on the "Yes, delete these files and data" button

I hope this helps to answer your question, please let us know if you require any further assistance.

Arnel C.

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