Insert a movie into WordPress

Asked by:
none / 94 Points
2012-04-29 8:53 pm EST
I uploaded a .mov file (32.8 mb) and also tried a .m4v file 11.6 mg. to my Gallery. I created a link to the HTML adderss on my page, but the movie does not play smoothly. It stops and starts. Is there a plugin that should resolve this problem? Do I need to put the file on another website and if so, would you recommend one?
Note - I created a slideshow as the first step (using iPhoto) and thought that I should export it to a movie file.

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13,688 Points
2012-04-30 4:37 pm EST
Hi none,

There are many factors that can affect the playing of videos on a website (length, overall size of file, connection to the server, etc.). With video files, it's usually best to upload them to YouTube and then embed the YouTube video on your website.

Since you are using WordPress to create your site, you can either install a plugin, but you can also simply embed the URL in WordPress or use the YouTube shortcode (small, one word keywords enclosed in [square brackets] that allow you to add functionality to WordPress)to insert your YouTube video.

To embed a YouTube URL:

  1. Upload your video to YouTube

  2. View your video in your browser and copy the URL of the video

  3. In your WordPress Page or Post, paste the URL of your YouTube video

To use the WordPress YouTube shortcode to customize the video settings:

  1. Follow steps 1-2 above

  2. Create a shortcode in the following format. Replace the example URL with the actual URL of your YouTube video. Make sure the code is on a line by itself.


  3. By adding &w= or &h= to the shortcode you can customize the height and width of the video.

  4. Here is an example YouTube shortcode that will insert a YouTube video with a player 640 pixels wide and 385 pixels high:


For more examples of customization options with the YouTube shortcode, please see YouTube Shortcode. Please note, that support article is part of but also applies to self-hosted WordPress sites.

Please let us know if you have any additional questions or need further assistance.


Christi N.

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