Troubleshooting issues with editing in Wordpress

Asked by:
NickMartin / 8 Points
2014-03-24 6:02 pm EST
Hello. I'm unable to add media or to switch to text mode in my WP. This problem doesn't persist when Hub's service person tries to activate those options in my dashboard. And it started working for me after that, but for a very short time term. As soon as I start new post (or log out-log in), Add Media/Text options stop working, I disabled all plugins, I cleared all history (cache) in my browsers (Firefox, Chrome)... This happened first time on Saturday when I installed Chitika (third-party) plugin. I cleared browser's history and it worked through Sunday. Up from today I got and loosed those options every 10 mins. I activated one by one plugin - it looks like All in one SEO plugin causes the problem, but as I mentioned, when I started to edit next post or logout, I loosed Add Media/Text options despite All in one SEO was disabled.... PLEASE, PLEASE, IT'S URGENT, I'M TRYING TO SURVIVE by doing this job and I'm completely stuck now. THANK YOU IN ADVANCE!

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12,339 Points
2014-03-24 7:03 pm EST
Hello NickMartin,

It sounds like you are having some issues with your 3rd party plugins; which is difficult to troubleshoot, since everyone uses a different combination of them in their Wordpress.

I recommend disabling them all, then adding them back one by one and testing your site. When it breaks, you will know it was the last plugin you enabled.

If you have any further questions, feel free to post them below.
Thank you,


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Thank you John-Paul, but I think that I solved problem with the following advice is: "try putting the code in your wp-config.php". The code is define('CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS', false); and should be put above 'stop editing here'. Your colleague Brian M helped me on this matter.
Anyway, thank you very much, John-Paul!
8 Points

2014-03-24 7:18 pm EST
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