Java error problem on wordpress blog since friday

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HubFans / n/a Points
2015-07-26 7:05 pm EST
Since friday i got a java error on my wp blog. Unfortunately my backuo has been lost (overwritten) at the minute i requested for restore, very bad luck !
My site went crazy, side bars and sliders and menus lost.

I found and installed another theme that displays my site in a better way, but still the sliders are blocked.

Error message:

I desactivated each plugin one by one + clear cache to find the one that may cause the problem. But no result.
I trashed the new posts i wrote friday, no result.

Please help
Thank you

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16,266 Points
2015-07-27 6:22 pm EST

Sorry to hear you are having issues with your WordPress giving an error. The error you provided means that the page (theme, etc) is calling a JQuery function but it has not yet referenced the JQuery library. The code that calls it is either missing or placed after the code that is throwing the error. I receive that error three times. The first two are related to the "evolve" theme and the last related to the "so widgets bundle" plugin. You may want to try different themes and widgets to test and see if the error goes away. You may also want to redownload those tools and reinstall them to see if that fixes it.

Kindest Regards,
Scott M

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