my contact 7 wordpress form used to work but not now

Asked by:
HubFans / n/a Points
2014-06-27 1:05 am EST
Two weeks ago my contact 7 wordpress form used to work but not now, it sends an email to the recipient, but not to me

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3,713 Points
2014-06-27 1:35 am EST

I just tested your mail form on the website and it looks like it sent successfully. It looks like the message delivered locally to your user on your domain, and then also forwarded off to a account.

I'd recommend that you login to webmail to check for any messages from your form you think you've missed because I see quite a few in there.

If they aren't ending up in your account, I might recommend instead of forwarding the email off to Gmail, to instead setup Gmail to simply retrieve your domain's emails into the Gmail account.

This is accomplished by clicking on the settings Cog towards the top-right of Gmail and then clicking on Settings and going to the Accounts and Import tab. Then you can click on Add a POP3 mail account you own under the Check mail from other accounts section.

Please let us know if you're still having any issues at all.

- Jacob

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