My WP plug ins will not activate or deactivate

Asked by:
JayHJay / 8 Points
2013-03-31 5:15 am EST
All of a sudden my WP plugins will not activate or deactivate.

I tried to activate a new plug in recently and it would install but not activate, no matter how many times I tried. I thought it was a problem with just that plug in, but tonight I tried deactivating two different plugs in and neither would deactivate.

The page started loading like something was happening, but when it resolved, it was exactly the same as it started.

Anyone know why this would happen? Is there some sort of lock somewhere I could have accidentally tripped?


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12,339 Points
2013-04-01 6:20 pm EST
Hello JayHJay,

Thank you for your question. I first recommend making sure all themes and plugins are up-to-date. This issue may also be related to the theme, have you tried replacing the theme with a newly downloaded version.

If the problems persist, you can also download a new version of wordpress and upload the files, then connect to your existing database. Be sure not to remove the existing Wordpress installation.

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